Best Value Finders



FTC Disclosure Statement: Income Generation
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East West Group,
Boulevard Totleben 53-55
Sofia, Sofiyska, 1606 Sofia
Contact: support @

We have attempted to make this notice as easy to read as possible, so we encourage you to read this document in its entirety and to contact us with any questions that you may have. Trust in the accuracy of information is extremely important when making a purchase or engaging a service online and BestValueFinders places a very high level of emphasis on attempting to provide you information in an unbiased manner on However, please note that any information provided by third parties to or collected by BestValueFinders from third parties for display on may be biased or ultimately may be determined to be inaccurate.

By using this web site, you agree that BestValueFinders is not responsible for the accuracy of this content and to hold BestValueFinders harmless for any statements, reviews, pricing, claims made or other information provided or obtained through third parties. You agree to use the information provided on at your own risk and to verify all product and services claims, pricing and information with the advertiser directly. Compensation: BestValueFinders runs as a for-profit web site. BestValueFinders receives monetary compensation from the advertisers in return for advertising placements on

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Ad Placement: The compensation BestValueFinders receives for advertising on may influence the advertisers and products displayed on this web site and the pages or position within pages in which they are displayed. BestValueFinders may also develop pages and write about topics in order to generate user visits from search engine requests for specific types of products or services. This may also include generation and display of landing pages for a specific advertiser’ products and services. In the latter case, the entire page will be labeled an advertisement as the page content will be generated from content provided by the advertiser with no endorsement of the service being made by’ Non-Captive Shopping/Viewing Experience: We realize that most online users/shoppers prefer to remain anonymous while on the Internet. We could not agree more.

BestValueFinders does not require your personally identifiable information while you are on You are able to leave the website at any given time. However,’ places policy may be different from that of our advertisers, so please be sure to review their individual policies before using their services or buying products.

For a complete explanation and to review what types of data we do collect and how we handle this information, please review the privacy policy for Web Site Content (including editorial comments): As mentioned, your trust in the accuracy of information is extremely important when making a purchase or using a service online and BestValueFinders places a very high level of emphasis on honesty and integrity in providing you that information. Therefore, we do not endorse any of the products, services or advertisers featured on and no BestValueFinders statements should be taken as such. Furthermore, in cases where more than one advertiser is placed on a page, we are not recommending one advertiser or their products or services over those of another, regardless of their placements on the page.

If BestValueFinders provides comments regarding a specific product, service or advertiser, our only intent is to further educate you so that you can make an informed and better decision when shopping for a type of product or service online. Any comments or recommendations by BestValueFinders on the website are only opinions and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. The information/content we may provide on regarding an advertiser will come from the advertiser, the advertiser’ web site or a third-party web site. This information/content may include but is not limited to: An advertiser’ claims. Specific product or service features.

The advertiser’ operations or processes. Awards or certifications received by the advertiser. Any comments or reviews made by third parties. Third party reviews may be provided in anecdotal format and may be a positive or negative review of the advertiser or its products and services. The methods of data collection used to provide our web site content may include but is not limited to: Conducting research on the advertiser’ or third-party web sites Data feeds. Content provided from third parties or an advertiser. Conducting interviews. User submissions. Our own independent and direct examination or use of a product or service. Independent Reviews: In addition to web site content and editorial comments, we may occasionally provide an BestValueFinders independent review of a product, service or advertiser.

All such reviews on will be independently chosen and conducted by We will not conduct reviews at the request of advertisers and will not accept monetary or other forms of compensation for conducting reviews of such products or services on Any product or service reviewed by BestValueFinders will be BestValueFinders‘ sole decision and purchased and paid for by, unless it is also freely available to others, as well. runs as a for-profit web site. BestValueFinders receives monetary compensation from the advertisers in return for advertising placements on Site’s primarily derives its revenue from performance marketing activities, which are typically defined as income generated from advertisers when a web site user completes a specific action. This also may include display advertising.

*This web site contains links to web sites of companies that may provide some type of financial and/or debt settlement service. Any relationship that you may form with any of those companies is exclusively between you, the consumer, and that company. We do not warrant the products and/or services provided by any of those companies that are linked to this site. This site only contains links to those companies for your convenience. We do not offer any debt settlement, or financial service. In accordance with FTC guidelines, we state that we may have a financial relationship with companies mentioned in this website. This relationship may be in the form of money, services or complimentary products or services and could exist without any action from a website visitor. Should you purchase a product or service that was recommended by this website, it is understood that some form of compensation might be made to the website owner.